An American Style Icon
Peterbilt is the truck for those who demand the best in technology, driver comfort, and straight-up American style. Peterbilt builds hundreds of trucks per day from their plant in Denton, Texas, each one customized to the exact requirements of its purchaser. (They have robots.)
But while Peterbilt is an iconic brand, buying a truck is a business decision. Looks don’t matter if the truck guzzles gas, breaks down, or sends you to the chiropractor after a day’s driving.
As everything about a Peterbilt is engineered for efficiency, comfort, and safety, our task was to show prospective purchasers that there was no conflict between substance and style.
The Highlights
Show the value. We identified four key Peterbilt benefits—Technology, Efficiency & Uptime, Quality & Design, and Security—and made the homepage a guided tour of the details that make the difference over thousands of miles of hard driving.
All in the details. We built detailed product pages that sold critical features, while keeping details such as specs and manuals and image galleries close at hand.
Driving to dealers. The information architecture and content strategy have two main jobs: showing users trucks, and directing them to dealers who sell trucks. Peterbilts are sold through dealers, so we made it very, very easy to find the nearest dealership.